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Saturday, January 22, 2011


So, I had some extra cottage cheese in my fridge that was about to go bad and so I made up a couple snack ideas to use it with this past week that were surprisingly pretty filling.

- 1 thinly sliced small apple
- 1/4 cup nonfat or 1% cottage cheese
- 1 or 2 TBSP raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing (click HERE for the one i have, which tastes DELICIOUS with only 5 calories in 2 TBSP!)
- 1 packet Splenda (optional)

- 1 medium celery stalk
- 1/4 cup nonfat or 1% cottage cheese
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp dried chives (or fresh... way better!)
- 1/4 tsp dill weed, paprika
- 1/8 tsp lemon pepper, garlic powder

ALSO, I recently made a list of several snack ideas all under 100 calories. I eat about half of them on a regular basis. Enjoy!

* 1/2 toasted English muffin with 1/4 cup sliced banana and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 99 calories.
* Hershey’s kisses, 26 calories each
* 1/2 apple with 1 tsp peanut butter and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 95 calories.
* 1 egg fried in a little cooking spray and tony's cajun seasoning + black pepper , 75 calories.
* 1/2 sweet potato with 1/2 tsp. butter and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 99 calories.
* 1/4 small avocado, 40 calories.
* 1 60-calorie string cheese stick with 5 wheat thins, 95 calories.
* 8 baby carrots and 1 TBSP hummus, 80 calories.
* 1 apple or pear, 82 calories.
* 1 pistachio, 4 calories.
* 1 peanut, 6 calories.
* 1 almond, 7 calories.
* 1 cashew, 8 calories.
* 1 hazelnut, 9 calories.
* 1 Jell-0 sugar-free gelatin snack, 10 calories.
* 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, 50 calories.
* 1/2 can of tuna with 1 chopped baby pickle, 1 tsp. dijon mustard, 1 TBSP miracle whip, 99 calories.
* Air-popped popcorn, just 33 calories per cup.
* 27 frozen grapes, 97 calories.
* 1/3 cup (dry) oatmeal with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. salt, and 1-2 packets Splenda + water, 93 calories.
* 1/2 sliced bell pepper with 1 TBSP light ranch dressing, 70 calories.
* 1 cup strawberries, topped with 2 TBSP Cool Whip, 58 calories.
* 1 medium celery stick, sliced with 1 TBSP peanut butter, 99 calories.


  1. Wow, you are so creative! That's a long list! 1 pistachio is my favorite 4-calorie snack too. ;) Seriously, though, some great ideas!

  2. thanks Jen =) i put the calorie listings for each nut because a couple handfuls will add up pretty quickly.... sad =(

  3. i need to send this one to becky. she is making really healthy meals now that taste awesome, but we are always looking for snacks that match the meals.

  4. Thank you, Camille! These are great suggestions. It's really nice to have a little list of snacks handy. I hate counting the calories, so I am so happy it has already been done! ;)

  5. hey thanks clint & becky =) snacking is so good for you if you do it right!
